We sell great companies


You Want To Sell Your Business But

Do Not Know How

Do you currently own a company but do not know how much it is worth, or how to increase the value of it?

  • Are you burnt out and want to retire with the most money possible?

Are you ready to sell, but dont know where to start?

  • Do you want to sell your business and move to a new challenge?
  • Do you have unstable clients base and want to know how buyers evaluate your client base?
  • Do you want to get a loan from a bank?
  • Do you feel stuck in your business?
  • Do you need guidance on how to sell your business?


I’ve been exactly where you are. I sold my first business for far less than it was worth, because I didn't know what business buyers valued.

That left me frustrated so I learned how to valuate companies and make them reach their potential.

  • Over the past 12 years, I’ve started 5 companies from scratch, in many different industries, and grew and sold each one.
  • I built my first 7-figure company at the age of 27 and sold it for a great profit.
  • We have helped hundreds of businesses sell instead of closing their doors.
  • Typically 80% of businesses do not sell when they are taken to market, we can help you beat those odds!

We Have The SAME GOAL And

Traveling The SAME PATH

My path on this road started 20 years ago yours is starting right now,

we share something very important together, both of us are entrepreneurs and...

Both of use want..


You are here because you want to retire, move to new challenge, spend more time with family... all those mean you want to grow and be better. This can only be achieved through financial freedom and you know it.

That makes you one of us, those who journey and walk the path of getting a better life. Everyone of us is different with values, goals and desires. But we all want the same thing...


The fastest way to achieve is by reaching the potential of your business and moving on to your next adventure. I have done this over 10 times by now and you can do it yourself.

Using my experience, I have created a collection of lessons that helped me achieve my success. The businesses I sold are not Fortune 500 companies or multinational business. They are rather local to your town, area or state and my course is designed to solve your most common valuation problem.

Let Me Show You The Process on How To Attract Investors To Buy Your Business

Need Help in Selling Your Business?

I’ll Teach You Everything You Need To Know From How To Structure Your Business Down to Cleaning Your Financials

Want To Learn What You Are Worth Today and For How Much You Can Sell?

Real Businesses I Have Sold

Want To Learn More About My Services And The Companies I’ve Worked with?

Real Businesses I Have Sold

@2021 ExitWarrior